Tuesday, October 16, 2012

100th day anniversary, We went to Spats for dinner. Bryan wanted to get us "couple rings". But i dint want him to. So we end up just having a great time together, i dressed up for the event, went to get him at he's work place, walked around Rundle mall. 
Bryan was texting he's dad. He's parents are quite cute. they text him non stop ever since getting a smart phone. :)
On 29th Sep till 1st Oct, we head to Mount Gambier. A 5hours drive. This i think will be my last time there. It was heck boring. Air was fresh, tone of caves and a few sinkholes. was previously famous for active volcanoes.

It was my first time staying at a Motel this trip. It wasn't that bad. owners were so kind and nice to us. 
Drive thru a bed full of yellow flowers. it was beautiful :) 
On our way there. Bryan got stopped by the police for driving like a lunatic. 
Bryan stopped by at a resting area to cook he's raymun breakfast. while he was busy cooking, i was busy blowing bubbles with the bubble blowers which Collin sorta got me :D
Sinkholes which formed ages ago. Forgotten what its called. 
5. We look so tiny here. 
Valley Lake :)
Double rainbow
Blue lake. it was a grayish blue when we were there..
This is how it looks during summer.. (stole it from the net). my patients told me that during summer, when you drink water from the tap, its got this beautiful blue color. 
The wind styling a new hairdo for me.
I walked this hill/slope. Was so cold, my lungs was freezing, i was coughing. telling Bryan that i dont wanna walk up to the top anymore, but then he insist we give it a try. I was kinda tired, but the effort was worth it. got a pretty sight. 
Valley lake and the poser. 
At Kingstone, Larry the lobster.
Overall, i was glad our trip was over, it was so cold at Mount. G, i couldnt stand it. Moreover, it was heck boring. Worse, not much dinning place for us. No entertainment at night, we borrowed dvds from the motel owners to pass our time. Perth at that time, sounds so much better. I was so tempted to drive to melb. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Haven't blogged in a while. Been busy. Tons of pics taken from our trip, our 100th day anniversary and my birthday. Anyhoos..just gonna upload 3 pics. As there are 125 pics to choose from and i'm lazy to upload them now. 

From Our Anniversary. 
From Our Trip. A sinkhole. Great place for a wedding. 
My birthday. The color does look ugly here. Should just refine it when i'm free. 

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