tht night we had family dinner with this restaurant..(forgottern the name)
sleepless the whole night till monday morning....results out at bout dad laughed at my results...which i'm not so sure y....he sounded happy....and when i got back home...mum hugged asked me if i wanted a laptop...(@.@)....'wat the heck'..was my answer...i wasnt even satisfied with my results but am getting a laptop?...i told him i dint want it...useless also..cause i've got a com....then bro brought me out for lunch....we played,laughed and talked.....
at bout 5,he left for brunei....i'm sooooooooooooooooooo gonna miss him badly....he asked me to TC....and miss him too...haha...
tht night dad brought me to Miri cafe to celebrate bout nothing at all...he's just happy and i'm not so sure y....
then on wednesday...had my dinner here....had was grace's birthday too...:)amy made this for me...awww...sweetand this is roger with my haircliproger-my phone-camwhorinsaw brandon..:)...he passed by me...and i couldnt helped but to freezed up...dang...i gotta cut it out sometimes...
happy birthday sarah!!!i've been sick for 3 weeks dad and jon keep buggin me to go to the doctor...but then i dint want to...haha...
o..yeah...where is my hunnie huh????
TCH was sitting in front of me...he was playing with his bro...cute.. :) ....and yes ure eyes are clean and they sparkle...i seriously need to get my hair done....