Wednesday, November 21, 2007

yaaaaaay!! exams over!!.haha...hunnie,i'm laughing at u now...muahahaha...
i've been planing my holidays a few months back,but recently something came up and i was to cancel wat i've planned out...

been having nightmares since last week...bout 2-3 nightmares per night...kinda exhausted upon waking up....well rite now...i have this fear of going to sleep....
4 months....i dream i was dying
waking up every morning with a sick feeling....i felt like throwing up upon waking.....

fake a smile so no one would see wats happening....everyone been so busy am to not be upset by u guys not talking coz of a very simple sorry that hard to accept?...

my cousin came last week,he was fooling around with my phone....and took some pics of mea candid pic of me...

o...i'm looking forward to this coming not the cause of the stadium mass tht i would have to go and no its not the piano lesson i'm having tht day...buttttt.....its oscars birthday ...!!!! BB boy's one years old this i love himam gonna go shopping for toys..hoped to get one for myself too.... :-P

last sunday,was our sch food was so crowded and cant get wat i wanted...lucky for me,i bumped into kevin..and he escorted me around...VIP indeed...haha..ppl ask but he answered just my bodyguard..hehe...hunnie,i'm so sorry...,couldnt meet up with u and sarah... :-(this is wat i bought from the food fair....

the late night studies cause me to have tons of zitsand to get rid of all those red bumps...,i've been eating lots and lots of vege.... but my bro aint helping by cooking me fried food...:-/4 dates and tht includes u my hunnie and busigning out...

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