Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my fire it to bits...
my very empty fridge...><...alethea asked me why i need such a huge fridge when i dont even cook....

last week was a whole week daily trip fiasco tht i planned out for me and mamma...cause she has been complaining on how bored she i brought her to handorfhorse ride
HANDORF is a german town...about 40 mins ride ( i think ) from my uni...The town was settled by LUTHERAN migrants largely from in and around a small village then named "Kay" in prussia
. The town is named after danish captian dirk meinhertz hahn.
my new next door dorm mate is korean...she's a really nice girl...just so ngam tht day i started watching *Goong* an old korean drama, and then wanted to get some drinks refilled frm the kitchen, i opened the door, and scared the beejeasus out of her as she was going to knock on my door to introduce herself, we clicked from there...

but then its weird as whenever, she open and close the door, i would always think its zhen...and would open the door thinking i'll see him infront of me in flesh...and there was even onced tht i kinda have forgottern tht zhen is not staying at the next room, i did my usual calling the next room thinking tht zhen still stays there and would ask him if he wants breakkie...well tonight, i prove alethea wrong, me and samantha cooked dinner..:D...korean style...having korean dishes agn tomolo night...KIM CHI!!!

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