Thursday, October 22, 2009

my voice had gone all sexy (brooke davis kind) from last night till to someone whose got a block nose..tons of sputum...yes..i know rite...eww for tht....we had a live on campus music,coffee,cake and gelati...met leo and von...havent seen von in a really long time...he looks good..still making jokes all ard...after tht, me,aino,kath,denise and yy were all of a sudden very high...we were playing tagged at sturt oval in darkness...i was crazy...i scream till i lost my voice..and ran till my muscles hurt...the night was cold, dint even break a sweat...we walked to the biggest oval in uni...and walked about 10 rounds talking for an was fun....when we got back,i lost my voice completely...and my nose was red like 'rudolf the red nosed reindeer'..and my fingers was so numb till i find it hard to type on the keyboard, chatting with kefv(yeah, i was lunky to find him on9)...we skyped for a while and he told me i was fatter than b4...(jeez, talked bout being straight to the point upon seeing ure best friend *eyes rolling*)...i donno what numbness can do to a person..but my fingers still hurt like someone had bruised it internally...and while in the shower, my hands which was exposed to the cold harsh air was cover in those chicken pox fugly red angery dots....

i feel even sicker than headache has returned and i was having a mild fever...i had just finished one of the novels...3 in 4 days...boy am i bored to death...haha...onced hooked, i cant be stopped...and now i feel like a book addict...i wanna read the 4th one...cant wait...i donno bout everyone else...but i was so into tht book tht it trigger some emotions in me...i feel so angry and sad in the same time...and now i feel like one of those dorky charles ppl..watever, i'm tired...and i realise why i dont really like those guys in my hall..cause i feel like as if i'm back in high school where they all act imature...i want someone tuff not a first its cute, but as times go on..i'm very sick and annoyed by those 'ang mo' guys...even tht biker guy with tht cool yellow-black leather jacket...

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