Monday, March 12, 2012

Who am i kidding. One day with RJ. just texting brings my annoyance to the edge. I cant deal with him. But how to ease the friendship at the slow pace when all he's been asking is to see me? I'll have to come up with an answer/solution quick.

I cant say that i'm happy that zhen is right about Darin, and that it will only take me a week to realise where our friendship is going. Who the heck am i kidding, he's a goddamm workaholic for goodness sakes. Workaholics have no life outside the office box.

I had the funniest dream. well say, it was a nightmare to me. cause u know how i'm trying to shoo RJ away, but in my dreams, he stayed and annoyed the heck out of me, not wanting to leave me, he then followed me home. i screamed and kick the air in fustration telling him to Get the heck out of my house, but he wont move at all,telling me how much he misses me and that we should be closer. IT was a complete NIGHTMARE.I was so scared, it was like me meeting freddy the nightmare.i was waken up by chien and thank goodness for that.

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