Monday, September 29, 2008

uni stuffs been screwing my head....i've forgotten bout wat date it is,i've forgotten how hungry tummy feels like..i cant differentiate it no more....i dont even know if i'm hungry or having gastric pain...i've somehow forgottern bout the fact tht my big day is coming soon till mark asked me wat am i doing next friday and i replied wats on next friday....O.O...

i want a party but then i dont think i've got time to plan for it.. :( ...i'm too tired when i get back home...belated party doesnt sounds fun to me..

i got this mag and i dont think i've got time to read...i just flip it blindly...

all i can think is wat to bring...wat to write...when is the due date..who should i pass this and tht much do i need...wat am i gonna do with all this toys?!?!?

well all this crap i've been thru i've finally made my decision this very afternoon to go
flinders!!! recommended by joseph...better in med than adelaide uni... something i could get used to...:)now this is wat i love most bout this uni...its breathetaking scenery and i heard tht theres tons of wood ducks by the lake....hehe...."I KNOW HOW TO ROAST A DUCK!!!!!"

my 2nd choice isuni of adelaide campus kinda nice tho....but if i change my mind,i'll be ending up here..not bad...kinda nice...but smaller than flinders...

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