Friday, April 23, 2010

i need more fudge..>< mum ate mine.

jason told me tht i need self control over sweet junks as he bets thts what i have most all my life.
went to the (i donno whats the name) market was boring as most of the stores are closed..its gloomy today..such a dull day tht suits my mood..

i woke up, moved my laptop to the desk at the corridor,skyped and tried to do a mohawk hair style but instead i did this..which doesnt really look like a mohawk at all, but then i was out of bobbypins. (i love taking pictures with the sun shinning bright as it covers up the dark circle..heh)..i really need tht as i've been sleeping at 2-3 am and waking up at 11-12pm. whooh..onced agn, the piggy side of me took over my mind and body.

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