Friday, April 30, 2010

clinical started this week...its gonna last for 7 weeks..dayumn..i hate waking up at 5.30am just for it...for my morning shifts today, i had to wake the patients up, did BGL, sponge bath/shower them,give daily medications(i dint get to do drug cal),did feeding,FBC,vital signs,wait for the docs,social w,speech p to check the patients,then wrote progress notes,bring the patients to the loo if they need to. It was a very tiring morning for me, i dint get to sit down much

QEH dont serve cookies/biscotti..only tea or sad..><...i was sooooo hungry,waited till 12pm for a heavy lunch of hotdogs and kids size strawberry milk. had to do feeding and FBC after lunch, then progress notes,and vital signs...i dint get to do med, as the afternoon shifts said tht they would do it, right now, i need to write down my daily notes and choose a few skills to be critique by my bitchy facilitator gloria..

too tired/lazy to go pub crawl.

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