Saturday, December 11, 2010

eish..why not just cut me in half. mum wants me in perth, zhen wants me in hk with him, boy wants me in miri with him, dessert man wants me to go to the dessert with him..

what to do..every single time someone wants me to go bk to miri, it saddens me all over agn..i dreamt of being bk in miri last night..and that me and cindy sat the MRT to my house..and then waited for my bro to come bk with the market's noodles with my cousins..

went to the christmas carol thing with reuben just now. met a lot of times like this, i can say my uni sucks cause u can hardly find so many malaysians there.

while waiting for reuben to finish his band thinggy, rang zhen as he took he's ilets this morning. he has been asking me to go hk with him for sooooooooooooo long.but then i cant go..cause i need to stay back. he tempt me into saying tht he'll bring me shopping and tht we could stay at HKU for experience of his life when he was there..and tht he's got so much to show me in hk...gahhh...i'm soooooo tempted to go with him. i bet he was just spreading sugar towards what he said to me as he says without me, he's life in hk would be boring and tht he prefers to hang with me..pfft..sugar coated words...anyhoos..even at adelaide, i'm soo lazy to go out..even to hang with him..u say impossible this dream is to him. its not tht he's bad or anything like tht..its just tht, adelaide is hell boring..i would love to hang with him more if it wasnt for the the fact tht he stay so far away...having zhen is like me having a gay friend..haha..(not tht he's gay) but i feel so comfy talking to him about guys..and tht i dont have to talk all the time..cause he sets out the atmosphere for both of us.. and plus, when i go ard shopping (like to sportsgirl and all)..he follows ard and nvr complains..and tht when both of us gets something, we both have very humorous opinion...i can say tht he's not perverted in mind (which maybe he is but doesnt show) and plus..he listens..and good grief..he's got quite a memory to rmber what i've said in the past.

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