Friday, March 21, 2008

had bio experiment last i look forward to it since mondaylast wed...we made caviar...hahasee....i told miss may tht she would be happy as i'm making sushi for her...i showed it dave...he said tht this one looks like sperm..LOL...

i bought bubble gums...and i've been having them all daybubbles...

dang!! this mood swing is getting worse...,good thing i had my superstar to cool me down..such a sweet guy....i've been tired lately...i dont usually drink...but then mum gave me iced wine...and it got me all wobbly and tipsy...i had it the other nite too...and tht really does cool things down...i hoped i wont get addicted to it..or then kevf would have a drinking partner...

o...todays good friday...and mums not im just gonna have bread the whole day...wat i dread is the 3pm mass...i almost fainted cause the church was over crowded...and its very heaty and smelly to stand next to those LA who never put on perfume or maybe take a bath...EUIIIII...i bet my bros are enjoying their ass out there..not going to church...i remember calvin and melvin was with us last year...and heck tht calvin was hillarious and plus embarrasing...he sang so loud till everyone looked at us..we were laughing thru out the whole mass...

i had those dreams again..those u would never want to wake up...just let it be......diff shadow...but then wat a great story...


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