Tuesday, March 01, 2011

me: doctor, i'm feeling unwell.

doc: whats wrong my dear?

me: my heart hurts. *while placing a palm over my heart

doc: *panic look in his eyes*, where is the pain? how serious it is? how long have u had the pain?

me: o. erm its just here *pointing at where my heart is located. i'm not quite sure how serious it is, but i dont think u'll be able to cure it.

doc: if its a heart attack, i might need to sent u to the ED. ok tell me exactly what happen.

me: he left me and i am heartbroken. *SOBS

doc: ok..lets see...eh? WHAT? what is this about? a boy?

me: *nods

doc: U.Came.to.me.with.pain.concerning.a.guy?????

me: *nods again.

well the next thing i knw is tht i'm rushed out of the docs room and my alarm clock rang telling me its 9am. what a shitty dream i have. hah!. all thanks to the drama i've recently watch, it floods my head with nonsence.

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